Sunday 10 October 2021


Right dot is Europa.

Equipment: Skywatcher 150/750, ASI120MC, 2x Barlow, EQ3 Pro
Software: AutoStakkert, Registax, PS

Thursday 22 April 2021

Fraunhofer lines

Calibrated using F line (hydrogen beta) and E1 line (iron) on Rspec. Spectrum and graph are then put together on PS, approximately matching the dips in the graph with the dark lines on the spectrum. Taken with 1350l/mm DVD grating and D5300.

Friday 16 April 2021

High pressure sodium lamp spectra


Spectra of high pressure sodium lamp as it warms up, showing the collision broadening and self reversal effect due to the absorption by the cooler sodium in the outer layers. Shot using DIY spectroscope, 1350l/mm DVD grating and DSLR. Cropped to the same size in PIPP and calibrated on Rspec.

Thursday 25 February 2021

Black Eye Galaxy

Using a black and white version this time to hide away the color gradients possibly caused by light leaking into primary mirrors, nevertheless I should pay more attention to the inverse vignetting since I started imaging, as the problem worsens every time when I pushed the image harder.

Equipment: Skywatcher 150/750, Nikon D5300, EQ3 Pro
Settings: 4hrs with 60s, 30s, 15s
Software: DSS, PS

Sunday 31 January 2021

Sirius B

Couldn't resolve it visually with 10mm plossl and 2x Barlow at around 8.30pm, perhaps only when it transits. Sirius B is clearly discernible in a 1 second frame as it gets higher.

The stacked image was heavily stretched in PS to reveal the faint background stars, to correct for the offset in position angle by rotating the image. Eventually, Sirius B is measured to be 64.5 degrees from north approximately, which is a 1.8 degree offset from 66.3 degrees obtained from Skysafari. The distance from Sirius A to Sirius B is 13" from the image, compared to 11.2", so about 3.5 pixels off.

Equipment: Skywatcher 150/750, ASI120MC, 2x Barlow, EQ3 Pro
Settings: 300x1s
Software: Registax, PS